What is Artifacts?
Artifacts developed for the cyber range are a culmination of collaborative efforts involving students and PhD candidates reasearch. These tools are specifically designed to enhance cyber training exercises, providing a practical and immersive environment for cybersecurity education. The artifacts range from software solutions and automated scenario generators to comprehensive documentation and datasets that mirror real-world cyber threats. This initiative not only fosters a deep understanding of cyber defense mechanisms but also nurtures innovation and research acumen among the participants. By integrating academic rigor with practical applications, these tools play a crucial role in advancing cybersecurity skills and knowledge.
Here is a list of the developed research artifacts for the cyber range:
- ChatRange: Automates the planning of tabletop cyber exercises using AI agents and language models.
- CTS Analyzer: A Python tool for analyzing cyber threat scenarios.
- Historical Log Generation: Generates historical logs to use in cybersecurity training and simulations.
- Crisis Chess Board: Simulates crisis scenarios in a strategic "chess" format for cybersecurity training.