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Version: 0.0.2

Creating Our First Deployment

In Ranger, in our exercise we must select our exercise scope AD Group at the top of the page, for our example select the Chess_Board. We must also save the SDL to the Exercise by hitting the Submit button.

Now we are finally ready to deploy the exercise. Hit the Create a new deployment.

  • Enter a deployment name, it must be unique to that exercise.
  • Select a Deployment start time. This helps control when the events will start polling the conditions, preventing them from being triggered before their assigned time.
  • Select a Deployment end time. This helps control when the events will stop polling the conditions, preventing them from being triggered after their assigned time. When this time has been reached, all events regardless of their assigned duration will be stopped.
  • Select an AD group for the deployment. Users connected to this group will be eligible to be connected to the deployment.
  • Select the number of deployments you wish to create. Each deployments name is enumerated and will require an AD group to be assigned to them.

By hitting Add we can add the deployment to the exercise and the deployment process will start. The internal deployment process consists roughly of the following steps, taking into account any dependencies that may be present in the SDL file (for example, wait for VM1 to be deployed before deploying VM2):

  • Upload Node Templates to the vSphere environment, if necessary
  • Create network Switches
  • Create VMs
  • Connect VMs to Switches
  • Deploy Features to VMs
  • Deploy Conditions to VMs
  • Start Condition polling
  • Start Event polling (once the assigned time has been reached)
  • If an Event is triggered for a VM, deploy Injects onto it

If all Events have either triggered or have gone past their end time, the deployment has finished meaning no more dynamic changes will come from Rangers part.

Once all the Conditions have been deployed, we should start seeing the Score values from our Conditions and Metrics we defined earlier.